You stand before your impressionistic painting depicting a prima ballerina standing on pointe in golden color tones. The painting captures the grace and strength of ballet, with the golden palette conveying a sense of warmth and elegance. Each time you look at the artwork, you feel an admiration for the discipline and artistic expression that ballet embodies. The painting serves as a constant reminder in your home that beauty often comes from hard work and dedication.
Signature: Michelanemo
Technique: Handmade acrylic painting
Materials: Canvas stretched on wooden frame
This is a hand painted piece of art made on canvas by a skilled artist.
Every painting is hand painted by our artists. The paintings bought from us are of top quality and delivered ready to hang on the wall. We use a small group of artists where each and everyone have years of experience within their area of expertise.
Modern Art is an easy way to kickstart your imagination and mindset by actually just looking deep into a painting and let the mind wander off. Even a blissful blend of popping colors or just black and white paintings can become a beautiful painting that many think is very fascinating to have as wall art in their homes.
Art Storehouse offer paintings to irresistible prices – Welcome on a colourful Vernissage Online!