
Elfie Redson

155  78 

1 in stock

20 × 38 cm

Konstlager Artplacer
SKU: SKERED20GAL Categories: , , , , Tag:


When creating this painting, the artist has taken inspiraton from animals and nature. Paintings of trees and flowers has always been popular with both artists and art lovers. To use a flower or tree as design for an acrylic painting or an oil painting makes it easy to create a colorful and playful painting without creating a sense of the design to be unnatural in any way. A landscape, the ocean, a marine environment or a sailboat can also seem enchanting and create many inspiring feelings for the observer when looking at a piece of artwork. Art is an easy way to kickstart your imagination and mindset by actually just looking deep into a painting and let the thougths wander off. Even a dog, a cat, a horse or a bird is a lovely motive for paintings. Also animals from the wildlife such as lions, elephants and rhinoceros engages people and many of us find them very fascinating as a motive for wall art.


Technology: Sculpture

Material: Plastic


Delivery time: 2-7 working days


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