Paintings of people
Art Storehouse has a wide selection of paintings of people as motifs, which includes artworks with everything from well-known movie characters, dancers in flowing dresses and people in urban environments. Find your favorite amongst our many oil paintings, acrylic paintings and watercolours. We also carry a large selection of canvas prints, photo art and posters. Buy paintings online to an affordable price with quick delivery.
Portraits with people
Among our paintings with people we have many stylish portraits. Choose from portraits in different sizes and colors and find your favorite artwork! Put a splash of color on your home with a beautiful portrait.
90 × 90 cm
238 € Add to cart -
Dancing in the Rain
30 × 40 cm
107 €80 € Read more -
140 × 65 cm
309 €232 € Add to cart -
90 × 90 cm
452 € Add to cart -
55 × 55 cm
131 € Add to cart -
Ms Butterfly
95 × 95 cm
286 €215 € Add to cart -
Le Botman
100 × 150 cm
583 €437 € Add to cart